
| updates |

july 18, 24
FIGURED OUT JAVASCRIPT/JQUERY STUFF I'VE BEEN FRYING MY BRAIN OVER FOR DAYS !!111!!111!!11 AHHHHH OMG YES YES YES FINALLY !! When envelope titles are clicked on, iframes now open like little windows of their own aND ARE CLOSABLE LET'S GOOOOOOOOO. also created "the archives" page!

july 14, 24
finally added in the envelopes for the other parts of the site. still need to create the iframes/code them, but made buttons one for now. i also changed out the song and added an actual audio control bar, so you can play the song, instead of just a fake text one. less aesthetic, but oh well.

july 10, 24
created start page number one a.k.a. the main page. it includes a welcome message along with some technical information about how to best view the site. more importantly, it talks briefly about the reson for this site's existence and how i will be using it. you learn of the love of my life, who unfortunately, does not feel the same way anymore. i also added in my socials.

july 4, 24
worked on start page number two and created personal current status with profile picture, message, current listen, and feeling status. created "updates" section too.

july 3, 24
added three start pages, main startup screen, and implemented javascript to execute startup screen to main pages. also determined layout for site and what elements/sections i wanted. added in chatbox for start page number three too.